
Eliminan a última hora veto a empresas delictivas al uso del programa de trabajadores extranjeros temporales
“El 1ro de enero de 2014 entró en vigencia los nuevos cambios al polémico programa de trabajadores extranjeros temporales de Canadá, aunque para algunos las sorpresas continúan. Como dicta la ley, el Gobierno Federal publicó los últimos detalles de la nueva legislación en la gaceta oficial (Gazette) y uno de los cambios hechos a última hora está generando algunas críticas.

Nuevas regulaciones para el programa de trabajadores temporales extranjeros llamado 'cortina de humo'.

Ministro Alexander elogia RCMP para la colocación de la ciudadanía y los cargos de fraude de inmigración
Ottawa, 30 de agosto de 2013 – Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Canadá Ministro Chris Alexander elogió hoy la Real Policía Montada de Canadá (RCMP) en Nueva Escocia a cabo una investigación exhaustiva sobre el presunto fraude residencia.

Reminder: Use of Authorized Immigration Representatives
August 1, 2013 – If you use an immigration representative, make sure they are authorized to assist you.
Anyone who provides you with advice as part of an application or immigration proceeding must be an authorized representative.

Canada welcomes first immigrants under new Federal Skilled Trades Program
Toronto, August 16, 2013 — Canada’s Citizenship and Immigration Minister Chris Alexander today officially welcomed one of the first permanent residents under the new Federal Skilled Trades Program: Eric Byrne, originally from Ireland.

Immigration is about people, not economics
“Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) is currently consulting the public on Canada’s future immigration plan. Very few Canadians know about this, and even fewer may participate. Given the consultation design and the questions posed by CIC, perhaps that should not be a surprise.

Further improvements to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program
“Canada’s Economic Action Plan Visit to learn more
Ottawa, Ontario, August 7, 2013 —The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development, today announced reforms to strengthen and improve the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).

Thousands of failed refugees lured home with federal government’s bonus
“The federal government’s incentive program offers as much as $2,000 and a one-way plane ticket to failed refugees willing to go home voluntarily.
A year after Ottawa launched a controversial program to pay money to failed refugee claimants for leaving Canada, more than 2,000 people have taken up the offer.